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Quick Start

Let's walk through a quick example to illustrate how embarcadero mind machine (emm) works.

We only have 3 objects we need to understand:

  • The Keymaker (makes/manages keys and authenticates with Twitter)
  • The Shepherd (runs the flock; one shepherd = one bot flock)
  • The Sheep (runs a bot, and defines bot's behavior; one sheep = one bot)

Keymaker: Authentication Step

Also see the Keymaker page.

The first step in embarcadero mind machine is to run the Keymaker to give the application permission to tweet on behalf of each of our bot users. This generates keys that the embarcadero mind machine application requires to run a bot flock.

The actual Keymaker objects for each service are defined in the boring mind machine library. The usage is covered here.

The Keymaker takes a set of items as an input, and creates one key for each item.

A set of items might be a Python list with integers, or a folder full of text files, or a set of URLs, or just plain old string labels.

The keys are what allow our application to tweet using a bot account.

We call make_a_key() on each item to create each key.

The Keymaker requires that we specify a name parameter to name the bot and a json parameter to specify the location of the key.

Also note, this requires that your Twitter app's consumer secret and consumer token be set in

In the example below, the "items" are strings containing the bot name. This uses credentials in and outputs key files at keys/key1.json and keys/key2.json.

import embarcaderomindmachine as rmm
import subprocess['mkdir','-p','keys/'])

k = rmm.GithubKeymaker()

# Create some keys
    'name':'red bot',          # This is the bot label (arbitrary)
    'json':'keys/red_key.json' # This is the key file
    'name':'blue bot',

When this script is run, the Keymaker will go through a series of interactive steps to create keys from each item.

A Shepherd to Run the Bot Flock

Also see the Shepherd page.

Once that is done, make a Shepherd for the bot flock, and point it to the keys the Keymaker created in the keys/ directory:

import embarcaderomindmachine as rmm

# make the Shepherd
sh = rmm.GiihubShepherd("keys/")

# Perform action in serial

# Perform action in parallel

Customizing Sheep

Also see the Sheep page.

We didn't specify what kind of Sheep we want the Shepherd to create, so the Shepherd uses the default Sheep class.

To change the behavior of your bot, you can use built-in Sheep types or you can extend the Sheep class to define custom behaviors.

More Examples

See the examples/ directory.