Github Keymaker¶
embarcadero mind machine defines a Keymaker object for authenticating with the Github API via OAuth.
A Quick One-Bot Example¶
Here is a quick demo to authenticate a bot account and create a JSON key:
import embarcaderomindmachine as emm gk = emm.GithubKeymaker() gk.set_apikeys_env() gk.make_a_key('dummy','dummy.json','/tmp/keys')
The Github Keymaker object is what walks you through the OAuth2 process.
The gk.set_apikeys_env()
method gets the application's
consumer ID and consumer secret from environment
variables (CONSUMER_ID
respectively). The Keymaker also has methods to set
the API keys from a JSON file or from a dictionary.
Last, we run the make_a_key()
method to actually
generate the key. Note that this is not the normal
workflow, we usually pass a list of items to the
Keymaker and ask it to generate one key (i.e.,
authenticate one bot account) per item.
In this case, we force the Keymaker to create a
single key named "dummy" that will be stored in