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Panflute: Part 1

Panflute Filter: Translate

To translate Markdown text to Russian, we want to look for Para (paragraph) components, and extract the text from each paragraph as a string.

cat | pandoc -t json -f gfm -s | filters/

The panflute filter determines what text to translate and calls the Google Cloud Translate API to do the translating.

We use the Google Cloud Translate API using a Python client library that they provide, rather than fussing with assembling our own payloads and using the requests library.


from panflute import *
from import translate

def translate_document(elem, doc):

def main(doc=None):
    return run_filter(translate_document, doc=doc)

if __name__ == "__main__":

When we run this, it passes each document element through translate_document().

Two things we wnat to do up front:

  • Extract links (these are problematic for translation, we deal with them by removing the link from the inline text and including a list at the bottom of the document of the (translated) original link text, plus the link itself.

  • Search for paragraphs of text, or headings, and replace text with a translation.

To do the first, we define a function called strip_links(), which will strip out all the links and add them to the bottom of the document (more on this in a minute).

We pass this function to elem.walk() to apply it to every element underneath the current element. This means we can write the strip_links() function in a similar way to the translate_document() function: look for specific types of elements, and modify them accordingly.

def translate_document(elem, doc):

    # Walk it and look for links first


Another thing we want to do is translate paragraph text from Russian to English. We use stringify to turn a list of Str and Space objects into a regular string:

def translate_document(elem, doc):

    # Walk it and look for links first

    if type(elem)==Para:
        english = stringify(doc)
        translation = english_to_X(english)

The english_to_X() function (more on this shortly) will use the Google Cloud Translate API to translate English to our language of choice. This requires an API key with Google Cloud (see Setup).

The translate function will return unicode text. This must be turned back into structured text that pandoc understands, so we have to wrap words in Str() and replace spaces with Space objects.

To do this easily with a string in panflute, use convert_text():

        english = stringify(elem)
        rooskie = english_to_russian(english)
        new_elems = convert_text(rooskie,input_format='markdown')
        return new_elems

To get Google Cloud Translate API working properly, you must export an environment variable $GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS that points to a JSON file with your API keys EACH TIME YOU RUN THE SCRIPT!!!

##############                ##############
##############   NOTE         ##############
##############                ##############
## This step is required for the translate
## API calls to work. Don't leave this out.

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/project-key-00000.json