Initialize Git Repository
Let's talk through how a repository should be laid out if we're going to be hosting a Flask app on Heroku.
We will need a minimum of two branches. Here we specify the names that these branches will have in your Github repo, which is different from the names of the branches on Heroku:
Branches on Github:
- this branch contains the content that Heroku will host. Specifically, it contains the Flask application in
file, and a few other files to help Heroku determine how to run the app and what to install. -
- this branch contains the content used to generate the documentation and page content that is being hosted behind the Heroku attack sheep. The documentation you are reading right now is from the master branch, and was made withmkdocs
On Heroku, we only have a single branch:
(Heroku) maps toheroku-pages
Repo Layout
Let's talk about the layout of the repository.
If you wish to build the site in order to deploy it to Heroku,
you should clone the master
branch (preparing to make the
content for your attack sheep-protected page):
$ git clone -b master
$ cd github-heroku-attack-rabbits
Once you are inside the master branch, clone the repo again,
but this time clone the heroku-pages
branch, and clone it
to the site/
$ git clone -b heroku-pages site
$ cd site
Now you will want to set up the Heroku remote:
$ heroku git:remote -a my-cool-project
The layout should now be:
my-cool-project-repo/ <-- my-cool-project repo pointing to master branch
docs/ \ | | <-- mkdocs files
... | (can use any static content generator:
| pelican, sphinx, etc.)
mkdocs.yml /
site/ <-- my-cool-project repo pointing to heroku-pages branch
Procfile \ | <-- heroku python app files
requirements.txt | (can also use ruby, php, js, etc.)
runtime.txt | (can also use ruby, php, js, etc.)
... /
content/ \
index.html | <-- static content hosted by Flask
sitemap.xml |
... /
Once you have things set up according to the instructions and diagram above, you're ready to run the push-to-deploy workflow and start running your secret site on Heroku.