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Authenticate Different Users on Different Portions of Site

NOTE: if you are authenticating using membership on a team, you will need the team id of the team you are interested in authenticating against.

For this example, let's expand the routes we're looking at a bit more.

Suppose we have two folders, team_only and org_only.

The team_only folder should only be accessible to your team, Team Gold.

The org_only folder should only be accessible to your organization, Colorful Colors.

The main site (i.e., all other files) should be publicly accessible.

def index():
    return send_from_directory(STATIC_PATH, 'index.html')

def team_gold(path):

    if not github.authorized:
        return redirect(url_for("github.login"))

    rsp = app.config["RESULT_STATIC_PATH"]

    resp = github.get("/user")
    if resp.ok:
        username = resp.json()['login']

        team_id = 'XXXXX'

        resp = github.get("/teams/%s/members/%s"%( team_id, username ))
        if resp.code==204:
            team_gold_dir = os.path.join(STATIC_PATH, 'team_only')
            return send_from_directory(team_gold_dir, 'index.html')
    return contents403

def team_gold(path):

    if not github.authorized:
        return redirect(url_for("github.login"))

    rsp = app.config["RESULT_STATIC_PATH"]

    resp = github.get("/user")
    if resp.ok:

        my_org = 'XXXXXXXX'

        all_orgs = resp.json()
        for org in all_orgs:
            if org['login']==my_org:
                color_org_dir = os.path.join(STATIC_PATH, 'org_only')
                return send_from_directory(color_org_dir, 'index.html')
    return contents403