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This is the MySQL docker container used to run MySQL on

You should not run this container by itself (see pod-charlesreid1), but if you do, use the Makefile.

Base Image

This repo contains a Dockerfile and a docker-compose file for running a slightly modified stock MySQL container.

Link to stock MySQL container on dockerhub


Use docker-compose and pod-charlesreid1 for an example of running a mysql docker container using docker-compose.

The pod uses an environment variable to pass in the root password to the container, so the process is automated.

See docker-compose.fixme.yml in pod-charlesreid1.

This repo uses plain docker commands.


TLDR: build and run the container with:


There are a few make tasks:

  • make build task - build the MediaWiki docker container
  • make run task - run the MW docker container
  • make disk - make a docker volume for the MW container
  • make rm_disk - remove the docker volume for the MW container
  • make clean - stop the currently running mysql container
  • make cleanreally - stop the container and dele the data volume

Some cleanup commands:

make clean       # stop running container
make cleanreally # CAREFUL!!! deletes the data volume 
make rm_disk     # CAREFUL!!! deletes the data volume

Some startup commands:

make disk   # make the disk
make build  # re-build container
make run    # run container

mysql service info

Port: 3306

Service: MySQL server

MySQL data is stored in mysql_data/, bound in the container to /var/lib/mysql.

MySQL configuration file is in krash.mysql.cnf. (create your alternative configuration file in a directory on the host machine and then mount that directory location as /etc/mysql/conf.d inside the mysql container.)

To load and dump, run another mysql process in the same container. The container is called stormy_mysql.

creating/restoring backups

See the directory utils-mysql/ in the pod-charlesreid1 repo.

(Basically, these create a shell inside the container, and run commands to dump the database and copy the data out, or copy the data in and restore the database.)


While MySQL is a useful tool, the command line interface and SQL syntax is annoying and clunky.

To fix that, use phpMyAdmin - or better yet, use it in a docker container. See d-phpmyadmin repo for details.