What is Captain Hook?
What is Captain Hook?
The Short Version
Captain Hook enables a Github Pages-like push-to-deploy setup for git.charlesreid1.com.
Installing webhooks into repositories on https://git.charlesreid1.com
allows the gh-pages
branch of the given repository to be hosted live on
The Long Version
Captain Hook is a Python Flask server that listens for incoming web hooks from Gitea (or Github), and uses those web hooks to deply pages to https://pages.charlesreid1.com.
Captain Hook works by providing a webhook endpoint (rounting provided by nginx container in pod-charlesreid1) that can be used to link a Gitea (or Github) repository to Captain Hook.
Gitea (and Github) send payloads with webhooks that specify information like the action that triggered the webhook, and the repository/branch on which the action was performed.
Captain Hook runs inside of a docker container. The docker container mounts the
pages.charlesreid1.com web directory inside the container. Generally the hook
scripts will deploy the gh-apges
branch to this web directory.